Well it's 12 a.m. I'm lying on my bed and just having a thought, about my current up and down life. I came to an opinion that it might be the reason most of us don’t get what we want, is because we’re lack of patience. We think we’re owed things that we want within the timeframe we’ve set for ourselves. And life doesn’t work that way..right? Everyone has their own timing.
Whatever we want to accomplish necessitates a slow, gradual journey rooted in hard work. And sometimes it might feel like you're approaching a difficult and dark road:( Buut the thing is don't let those fear discourage you. You should've face it, i mean, you must.
Appreciate and remember that not all of people are willing to put in the same effort, which will make it easier for you in the end.. cause we are still standing up while others are giving up ✌
Whatever your problem is, until the answer is coming over, i hope you can pass your life with strong faith and beautiful patient. Aamiin.
So yeah, I won't write a long motivation post, just telling that patient is the key for all problems anyway! Honestly idk why i'm writing this. Maybe for the purpose of talking to myself or expressing what i think.
And one more!
Try to enjoy your sweet hard time by singing "just keep swimming :)"
..or Hard Times from Paramore would be nice I guess
(of course they have a very good chill intro for a genuine sad song hehe)
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