SCM music player 2018 / Blogger

Selasa, 04 Desember 2018


Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next. 

Delicious ambiguity.

Senin, 12 November 2018


Halo, jadi pada siang ini (dikarenakan aku sedang tidak ada kerjaan di kantor) aku memutuskan untuk menulis review tentang film yang baru aku tonton.
Yap ga salah lagi, film yang kumaksud berjudul Bohemian Rhapsody!
Sebelum aku mulai reviewnya, aku mau bercerita sedikit mengenai alasan kenapa aku tertarik untuk menonton film ini.

Alasan yang pertama (dan paling mendasar) adalah karena aku memang seorang penggemar Queen. Walaupun aku bukan die hard fans, tapi sedari aku masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar, aku sudah terbiasa mendengar lagu-lagu Queen lewat radio dan entah mengapa aku merasa nyaman waktu mendengarkan lagu-lagu tersebut. Ditambah aku memiliki orang tua yang memang gemar menyetel lagu dari musisi-musisi seperti The Bee Gees, Phil Collins, Michael Learns to Rock (MLTR), Abba, Toto, Kenny G, David Foster, jadi selera musikku bisa dibilang lebih tua dari umurku.

Dan jugaa alasan paling khusus aku nonton film ini karna ingin dapat musical experience nya! Secara band Queen sudah "bubar" dari semenjak aku belum lahir, jadi aku berharap film Bhorep ini punya musical effect yang mantap. Ditambah sounding bioskop, jadi suasananya seakan mirip nonton konser 😃.

Film ini termasuk berdurasi cukup lama, yaitu 2 jam 10 menit. But I assure you, you won't feel that long during your watch. 

Secara keseluruhan film ini bercerita mengenai masa lalu Freddie Mercury, baik kehidupan ia saat di depan maupun di belakang media, dan juga terdapat kisah mengenai teman-teman band Freddie yang turut mengiringi perjalanan hidup dia.


Lanjut, akhirnya setelah aku puas menonton film tersebut, bisa disimpulkan Bhorep memang teramat menarik dikarenakan hal-hal berikut ini:

Karakter. Dari segi karakter, para aktor dan aktris yang memainkan film ini, terlihat mendalami jiwa tokoh-tokoh Queen dengan baik. Terutama Rami Maleek yang memerankan Freddie, sang vokalis. Dua jempol untuk tim yang actingnya juara!

Storyline. Secara garis besar, alur ceritanya jelas dan dapat membangun emosi penonton. Diawali dari kisah bagaimana Queen terbentuk, sampai masa kejayaannya, hingga momen-momen kritis dimana setiap anggota Queen memiliki masalah hidupnya masing-masing namun harus tetap berhadapan dengan kesibukan band yang semakin naik daun.

Editing & effect. Faktor yang kadang luput dari perhatian penonton, kan tetapi bisa sangat berpengaruh terhadap 'feel' dan memori saat melihat film. Menurutku, Bhorep berhasil mengemas film dengan nuansa kehidupan lawas yang cocok di era 90an. Dari latar tempat, pemilihan kostum, filter warna dalam editing, hingga dialog atau percakapan yang digunakan para pemain, terkesan well-prepared. 

Pesan moral. See, a good movie is also the one that can inspire you to be a better person, and to realize what's important in your life. Dan film ini selain berhasil membuat penonton terharu, juga membuat sisi empati di pikiran kita mendapat pesan bermanfaat, salah satunya seperti: keluarga maupun teman adalah hal yang berharga, dan uang selamanya juga bukan kunci untuk kesuksesan atau kebahagiaan. 

Finally, disamping hal-hal diatas yang sudah ku sebut tadi, harapan pertamaku waktu menonton film ini (yaitu mendengarkan musik Queen secara ciamik) juga tercapai.
Seisi teater disamping kanan dan kiri tempat dudukku pun ikut bernyanyi dan bertepuk tangan, terutama saat scene Live Aid diputar.
Sepertinya bukan cuma aku yang punya anggapan nonton konser di bioskop tipis-tipis 🙂

That's all I guess for this post. Mungkin ga seasik postingan review-review lain - sorry for that

Yang jelas, Bohemian Rhapsody ini layak untuk dinikmati walaupun kamu bukan penggemar lagu Queen. Secara keseluruhan aku bisa bilang rating 8/10 pun cukup reasonable untuk film ini.

Well i hope you can enjoy it as much as I did, thanku for readiing.

Have a nice day you there ❤

Sabtu, 03 November 2018

Just keep swimming 🐠

Well it's 12 a.m. I'm lying on my bed and just having a thought, about my current up and down life. I came to an opinion that it might be the reason most of us don’t get what we want, is because we’re lack of patience. We think we’re owed things that we want within the timeframe we’ve set for ourselves. And life doesn’t work that way..right? Everyone has their own timing.

Whatever we want to accomplish necessitates a slow, gradual journey rooted in hard work. And sometimes it might feel like you're approaching a difficult and dark road:( Buut the thing is don't let those fear discourage you. You should've face it, i mean, you must.

Appreciate and remember that not all of people are willing to put in the same effort, which will make it easier for you in the end.. cause we are still standing up while others are giving up ✌

Whatever your problem is, until the answer is coming over, i hope you can pass your life with strong faith and beautiful patient. Aamiin.

So yeah, I won't write a long motivation post, just telling that patient is the key for all problems anyway! Honestly idk why i'm writing this. Maybe for the purpose of talking to myself  or expressing what i think.

And one more!
Try to enjoy your sweet hard time by singing "just keep swimming :)"

..or Hard Times from Paramore would be nice I guess
(of course they have a very good chill intro for a genuine sad song hehe)

Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Ted X Salon Jakarta 2018

On July 20th, 2018

Me and my friends (Dhara, Hanum, Umar) joined an event, called TEDx Salon. As you might know, it was an event held by the TEDx Jakarta team. They initiated an event where everyone can gather and share their ideas, about one related topic or issue. The topic itself was defined by the committee.

And the chosen subject was about policy. So then our discussion related to today's policy began. At first, the audiences were given some spectacles from TED Talks videos and the committee allowed us to give our opinion later on.

We can also mention how we think that there's correlation between each videos and the relation towards specified subject. Overall they tried to engage conversations inside the room.

What I like the most was everyone can speak, formally or informally.

The talks came from first-hand experiences of different people. One can understand, learn something about oneself and diverse mind.

Basically every arguments were fine, no one compete to make their own opinion to be above  other

Each participants could develop and improve their self to become more open-minded, and the ideas that everyone shared were just great. Personally i loved to hear about people's insight. New things have always been attractive in order to feed my curiosity :s

Hearing someone lived his life and faced a lot of things, how he reached success, or how he faced the problems along his way.

I guess by watching discussion on topic you never had any attention, you start to compare you own problems and  to what exists out there and question yourself about what you really know

Also by joining this event, I realized I need more brainstorming activities (as well partners which want to go for it)

cause only then we can have knowledge or insight (or whatevr it is), if it shared from one to another, rite? - hmm at least that's how I identify their “Ideas worth spreading” slogan 
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Maira Gall